Boring up date

Hello everyone!

I know I haven’t written in a while. I have been having a very difficult time. I FINALLY got that divorce I’ve been asking for! THANK THE DEAR LORD JESUS! Soon after the divorce my entire world came crashing down around me. I hit rock bottom and after years of being miserable, I think I’m finally ready to move on with my life and start making some serious changes. So, first order of business, I am going to make an attempt to write everyday again. I am hoping to grow this blog and I will need as much help as I can get. So please, take the 30 seconds to pay it forward and follow my blog. I have done way more than my part trying to put some good karma out into this world, I deserve the chance to grow and be heard.


I wrote something very interesting a few days ago, I will post it the first chance I get.


If you have feed back you’d like to share or you have a question you’d like me to answer please email me at

Drunk stream of consciousness

So I’ve always thought about writing a high stream of consciousness. But now im drunk for the first time in a while and I finally remembered to write something. When I’m high I forget crap. Idk what to write right now though. I would really like to be able to get a few comments going on my posts so I knew what the hell to write about on my page! You people!!! Grrr!!!!!


Where do we come from?

I felt more awake than usual this morning, maybe it was the 16 hours of sleep I have gotten in the last 24hrs, maybe it was the decent sex, or maybe it was the fact that I actually got some decent weed. But I rolled off the couch, walked to the bathroom, and sat on the toilet scrolling through Facebook like all the other 20-somethings out there. And I came across this meme. It says, “A lemon is not a naturally occurring fruit, it’s actually bred from a sour orange and a citron, the sour orange itself being bred from a pomelo and mandarin. So it’s not the product of evolution, but selective breeding.” A person responded with “When life doesn’t give you lemons you invent them yourself”

Those who know me know that bad things happen to me frequently. So hearing that life does not naturally give me lemons and it is unnatural for me to make lemonade feels pretty great. But that means that we choose to create the lemon. Though it has many uses now, we had no way of knowing about those uses prior to making lemons. So why exactly did we think it is a great idea to create an extremely sour fruit? Without knowing its cleaning and seasoning abilities one could only assume that it was bred to eat the same way you eat an apple or an orange. Disturbing right? But think about this in another light, when else have we done something with a fruit that we maybe weren’t supposed to…. Hmmm… Adam and Eve I am looking at you!

So this morning I start out in a thinking mood. I was thinking about death mostly. Morbid I know. When I was a child and was going through the self-identification crisis, I came to the realization that I would someday die. It is inevitable and that scared me. It still does. I do not want to die. I used to cry about it when I was a child. Death is such a scary thought. It is scary because I can’t know for sure what will happen. But then this morning I realized that it doesn’t matter. I am terrified to die. I need to believe that there is a possibility for a pleasant after life more than I need to have proof. Once I am dead it doesn’t really matter if there is an afterlife; I cannot change the fact that I would be dead. No one can. But while I am alive and having to face the fact that I will have to face death, I do need to have hope that there is more out there than this life.

Religion was originally created because someone asked the question, “Where did we come from?” and then someone decided to be nice and fill in the blanks. I think all human beings have an instinctual compulsion to ask that question. If you watch people who have been adopted or abandoned, it is evident that many of them live their entire lives just trying to track down the generation before them. Those of us who were born with both parents are much greedier. We want to know where the entire human race came from.

So scientists tell us we came from monkeys. Evolution is just way too broad of a topic for me to make sense of with such little information as I have. So I thought about evolution as technology. That I can understand. If monkeys evolved like operating systems older monkeys would be Windows 98 and humans would be like Windows 10. So if there are newer operating systems out there then why are some people still using Windows 98. I know that there will always be some pecking, 90year old, toothless man who refuses to get on board with the latest software, but will he live forever? Hell no. Will his computer live forever? I don’t remember Nokia making a computer so no. So then why do we still have monkeys? And if monkeys really turned into humans, than we aren’t talking about Windows evolving into better versions of Windows any more. We’re talking about Windows evolving into Mac. Did they get to choose whether or not to evolve? If so, how exactly did that work?

How does evolution work? How do we create a superior being to ourselves? If we were born knowing that having webbed fingers or higher intelligence would help our species survive on earth than why were we not born with the use of those things? Why do we still have midgets? When was the last time you saw on the news that a bear cub was born a midget? My point is that it just doesn’t make sense to have been born with the ability to better our race but the inability to use that advancement in this life time. So how are we passing on change to our children? Women are born with all the eggs they will ever have so it is unlikely that I am carrying eggs, that my body created, that are more advanced that the body that is carrying them. So by process of elimination I am supposed to believe that men of child spawning age have learned enough about human beings to have created more advanced sperm in order to evolve the human race? WHAT THE FUCK? Does anyone else believe this shit?

I couldn’t take this as an answer so I took to google with the first evolution question that popped into my mind…. What did pterodactyls evolve into? The answer is nothing by the way. I know it’s sad. But as a distraction to the both of us, I learned about a species of dinosaurs called pterosaurs, also known as terror birds. Freeze. I know you want to know what they look like so before you stop reading to google image a pterosaur, I’ll just tell you. It looks like a t-rex and an ostrich had a baby. Okay, go google it, but hurry back or you’ll miss the best part.

Now back to the original google search, “If we evolved why are there still monkeys?”. Well google says that basically we are the cousin of monkeys. Evolution is not linear. There are many branches to evolution. But the more I thought and the more questions I asked of the great google abyss, the more I saw the words “Missing links”. The general idea among sources is that there are these points in evolution where we aren’t sure what step is between a monkey and a human or a wolf and a dog. So scientists, these people who solely rely on fact, are telling us that they just don’t know what is in that void. But if you are telling me that you have no idea what happened during that time, how do you know there is anything missing? Why do you assume that there IS a link to be missing?

Doesn’t this sound a little familiar? There is as much evidence supporting missing links in evolution as there is supporting the existence of God.

So maybe God didn’t give us lemons but he sure as hell is forcing us to make our own lemonade.

Trip of a life time

Hi all!

I need a break! How about a $60,000 road trip?

In June of 2018 I plan on taking a trip around the country. I want to see all of the beautiful breath taking sites that our great land has to offer. There will be about 75 planned stops along the way. I will visit every single state including a three day stay in Hawaii. I will even bare witness to the northern lights in the chilly Alaskan air. My trip even includes a small detour through Canada. That was unintentional of course.

I am more than excited to take this adventure. It will take me two years of planning and saving money. I plan on driving as much as possible. The only time I will fly is when I go to Hawaii. I have not yet decided which air port to depart from in order to make it to Hawaii in the shortest amount of time.

I plan on spending the most time in NV, CA, HI, and FL. As you can tell I like the heat for the most part. There are so many great things to see and do. I tried to focus my trip around the visual attractions. I want to see oxygen rich mountains, sunny beaches, calming lakes, cool caves, and anything else my heart desires along the way.

My trip includes everything from Disney land to Las Vegas night clubs. I believe this trip can take anywhere from 2 to 3 months. Some nights I will sleep in my car, some I will camp, and some I will stay in luxurious castles.

I predict the trip will cost about $60,000. I will need money for gas, insurance, lodging, food, activities, tolls, my bills while I am away, a dog sitter, and of course spending money. I want to bring home one souvenir from each state. Maybe a t-shirt that I can later make into a quilt. Maybe a cup or mug. Maybe a post card that I can make into a giant collage that I can frame and hang. Either way I will cherish this memory forever.

I will take a camera with about 3TB of back up storage. I want to capture as many beautify sites as possible. Maybe I will make a slide show of myself standing next to the most random statues I can find in each city.

As you can see I am still thinking through all of my many options. Please feel free to comment with places that you suggest I visit, things you think I should pack, etc. If anyone has any idea what air port I should fly out of to get to Hawaii with the shortest fly time, I would love to hear from you.

If you can donate anything at all I would be so grateful!

Come on down to crazytown!


Do you ever feel like other peoples emotions cut into your sole more than what you’d expect?

Do you ever feel like something is wrong and you just can’t quite put your finger on it?

Do you ever feel emotionally overwhelmed when you are in crowded places?

You might be an Empath!

What is an Empath? Funny you should ask… For me, it is my greatest gift and my greatest weakness crammed into Pandora’s box.

Everyone experiences emotions differently. There are many people who have similar emotional/spiritual experiences that they refer to as Empathic. I consider myself an Empath. This is my description of my abilities:

I feel other peoples emotions as my own. I can easily (with the exception of my clouded judgement when it comes to the people I am romantically involved with) determine a persons emotional state.  I feel drained when I socialize with others for a long period of time.  I feel that I can effect the mood around me. I can choose to exert happiness, depression, or even lust into the air around me. I can see it impact the people who are physically close to me. When I am driving, I can often times feel the soles of those around me. I can feel when a person has faced a recent loss, is stressed, or is day dreaming. I can some times influence their emotions by sending them calming vibes. I can feel my sole connect to other people who may also be Empaths. Most of the time these people do not even know that they have these abilities. I can feel their connection even when I am not physically near them. It is like their sole makes a mark on mine. When they emotionally peak and recess I can feel it. It impacts my own mood.


I do not claim to be psychic. I do not see other peoples horas. I do not claim to always be right when I have a “feeling” about something or some one.

I am simply saying that there are people out there who feel things a little bit more strongly than the general population.

Some times I think of it as my own personal connection to God. That he has allowed me to feel so deeply for nature, animals, and other people.

Another view point to consider is that in ancient Egyptian drawings there are indicators that our ancestors were able to identify over 200 different senses. Today we only recognize five. Maybe me and the other 1% of the world that are experiencing these things are not simply going crazy. Maybe we are just in tune with a side of ourselves that most people are not willing to be open to.

If you think you may be an Empath or know someone who is email me. I would love to hear what others experience!

I married a what?

We had just gotten our first apartment together. It was near a wooded area and creepily enough a cemetery. This area breeds the odds bugs I had ever seen in my life. There are these scary creatures called Assassin bugs. They are of the stink bug family. They are said to have a horrendous bite. That is not what crawled into our house that day, but it deserved mention. What crawled in was big and ugly but I do not have a name for it. Naturally, I squealed for my fiance of a few days to rescue me from the illegal resident of my home. He came running. I pleaded with him for help. BAM! He crusted the bugs lower half with a broom. Then he froze. He looked at me. The look on his face I had never seen before. I stared into his eyes trying to process what I was seeing. My heart told me that I was seeing a man with a childlike expression. Maybe one of pure guilt that he had harmed one of God’s creatures. I pleaded with him once again to kill the bug. My own sole could not bare to watch anything suffer. With another bang the bug was dead. The look on my soon to be spouses face disappeared. My heart was wiped clean of any doubts. I was going to marry the man with the biggest heart that I had ever seen. How could one grown masculine being show so much empathy for such a small creature? That is the man that I want to marry.


Years later, I know that this man is a pure sociopath. He cannot feel such things.

But how could this be?

Do people change that radically over time?

What if my heart saw something different than what my eyes were seeing?

What if it was not empathy?

What if it was pure pleasure in knowing that a helpless creature was at his mercy?

My own empathetic ways allowed me to view this situation so differently. Looking back on it in this new light, I choose to move forward with a wedding because I watched my partner find joy in pain for the first time and I was too naive to see it.

Did I create this monster or just show him what he really is?

Meet me

My name is McKenzie Marshall. I am 24 years old. Feeling older every day. This morning I thought, I can no longer say that I am in my early 20s. Rather I am closer to mid 20s. How time flies when you are having fun… NOT! My life is a mess right now. I am trying desperately to escape an abusive ex, I have so many anxiety issues that I can’t function most days, and I am realizing that I lost myself just as I am getting old enough to start worrying about mortgages and my career. Needless to say, it is stressful. It is my hope that this blog will allow me to find myself again so to speak. You may ask what the heck that means. I think it is a pretty weird saying myself… “find myself”. We hear it so much though. For me, it means that I feel like I have been through so much that with every obstacle I have over come, I have gained another protective layer. I have buried my self a little bit deeper. I am going to try to face myself. Really get out the garbage that is in my brain that I don’t have the courage to share with my friends and family in person. When I can strip away these callouses I feel that I will be able to share the real me with the world.


If I can help just one person realize that they are not alone in their struggles by reading about the daily life of an average women, then that is great. I feel like everyone has struggles, but no one has exactly my same struggles. No one could possibly understand exactly what I am going through. Maybe that is right; Maybe that is wrong; Maybe we just don’t talk about our problems enough to know what other people are going through. Maybe we can find strength in finding other people who have faced similar issues and can relate. I myself am willing to listen to anyone who ever needs support. I don’t say this rhetorically. I genuinely enjoy listening to other people rant and feeling empathy for those people. Even though it makes me vulnerable, I like going above and beyond to help others. I feel as though there is not someone out there like that for me. Either they do not understand my struggles, or they do not care to listen. We all struggle. We all have been through things that we do not wish to drudge up. Many people cannot handle the additional stress of worrying about other peoples problems. THAT IS NOT THIS POST! I do not have an ounce of energy left to give to anyone else, BUT I am willing to create my own energy debt. Just for you! Reply to my posts. Tell me your story. Tell me what you need to get off your chest. Lets work this out together.

I struggle with my mental health. I am a real person, with real feelings and real problems. Lets start when I was young, my parents repeatedly cheated on each other. I won’t go into detail out of respect for them. They are my parents and I love them. But it left scars. Big scars. I taught myself how to zone out. How to go into my numb shell. I feel nothing. No emotions. My brain tells me what I should be feeling but my heart is just too over whelmed and has simply blocked out anything that tries to influence it. You may think that as an anxious person this might be a good thing. Not exactly. It feelings like that first shot of captain on an empty stomach. That warm tingle throughout your body as the alcohol sets in. It only lasts for a moment. Imagine holding on to that moment, for a day, maybe longer. That feeling is dizzy yet at ease, physically warm yet emotionally cold, energizing yet depressing. That is what it feels like to have dis-associative personality disorder. I don’t feel it every day. I only feel it when I get so emotionally over whelmed that my body uses it as a survival technique. I was just recently diagnosed with the disorder. I drink. A lot. When I was younger I was aware of the heartlessness that could fill my being if I got too stressed out. I also picked up the bottle at the first sign of stress. For years I assumed that alcohol was my coping mechanism. Alcohol helped me easy my anxiety. A short time ago I reached a point where I could no longer support my own drinking habit. I was spending between $50-$100 a week on booze. Most nights that wasn’t even enough to allow me any decent sleep. I would be so hung over in the mornings that sometimes I was still too drunk to drive myself to work. I couldn’t do it any more. But I needed a way to lessen the intense anxiety I feel. So I decided that after surviving my teenage years without so much as a taste, I  would try marijuana. I replaced alcohol with weed. It allowed me to sleep at night. It allowed my therapist to diagnose me with dis-associative personality disorder (I was still walking around like an emotionless wino randomly with out having a drink in weeks).

I originally sot a therapist because of my terrible anxiety. It turns out I have PTSD. Not the kind you hear about on tv. I did not go to war. I did not experience a natural disaster. I married a sociopath. I mean this very literally. Sociopaths are experts at charming people and exploiting their weakest parts. I fell victim to something that I feel I should have saw coming. I still feel a lot of guilt that I allowed someone to do something so cruel to me. He took away me. He took away my hopes and dreams. He took away my spirit. He took away my ability to sleep. He took away my desire to socialize. He took away my sense of security. He took away every ounce of power I had. He broke me down until I was just a tiny tiny light inside miles of protective layers distancing myself from the world. I would not wish it on anyone. Not even him. He took advantage of the fact that I have more empathy than I know what to do with. He feasted on my pain and my need to help others. He is a monster. I’ll tell you the story in another post. It is simply to much to tell you all at once. My point is that, I am human. I have PTSD. I have dis-associative personality disorder. I am very sick but no one knows. To meet me you would never know. I work full time. I have a degree. I am going back to school for a few more degrees. I raise fur-children. I have a boyfriend. To a stranger I appear to be about as average as they come.

An average person, I am not. I am weird. Really weird. The good kind of weird. I like to think outside the box. I like to be that one exception to all the societal rules. I am open-minded, I do not judge any more than human nature forces me to. I like to be the odd ball in the room who makes people laugh and convinces them to see the good in themselves. I am not the weirdo that you cross the street to avoid. I am the weirdo that you approach when you cross the street to avoid that other weirdo. It would make my entire week to pretend to be your friend, sister, lover, to get you out of harms way. And even though I participate in your escape, I would do the same for the guy that you are trying to get away from. Maybe he has that look on his face because he is having an even worse day than you. Maybe he is tired of the sideways glances. I feel for everyone. Even those that have a less than pure heart.

If you are still reading, I encourage you to check out my other posts. I promise you the truth about me. The boring, weird, sad truths. I hope that you do not find entertainment in my pain. I hope that parts of my story remind you of yourself. I hope that you are filled with empathy for others who face mental illness or who are struggling deeply. Please feel free to give me your feedback. Tell me what you would like to hear. Ask me questions. Tell me about yourself.